ملاحظة: بعد الحفظ، أنت قد تحتاج إلى إفراغ الكاش الخاص بمتصفحك لرؤية التغييرات.

  • فايرفوكس / سافاري: أمسك Shift أثناء ضغط Reload، أو اضغط على إما Ctrl-F5 أو Ctrl-R (⌘-R على ماك)
  • جوجل كروم: اضغط Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R على ماك)
  • إنترنت إكسبلورر: أمسك Ctrl أثناء ضغط Refresh، أو اضغط Ctrl-F5
  • أوبرا: اذهب إلى Menu → Settings (Opera → Preferences على ماك) ثم إلى Privacy & security → Clear browsing data → Cached images and files.
 * Marquee jQuery Plug-in
 * Copyright 2009 Giva, Inc. (http://www.givainc.com/labs/)
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * 	http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Date: 2020-03-19
 * Rev:  1.1.0
;(function( $ ) {
	// set the version of the marquee
	$.marquee = {version: "1.1.0"};

	$.fn.marquee = function(options) {
		var method = typeof arguments[0] == "string" && arguments[0];
		var args = method && Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) || arguments;
		// get a reference to the first marquee found
		var self = (this.length === 0) ? null : $.data(this[0], "marquee");

		// if a method is supplied, execute it for non-empty results
		if( self && method && this.length ){

			// if request a copy of the object, return it
			if( method.toLowerCase() === "object" ) {
				return self;
			// if method is defined, run it and return either it's results or the chain
			else if( self[method] ){
				// define a result variable to return to the jQuery chain
				var result;
				this.each(function (i){
					// apply the method to the current element
					var r = $.data(this, "marquee")[method].apply(self, args);
					// if first iteration we need to check if we're done processing or need to add it to the jquery chain
					if( i === 0 && r ){
						// if this is a jQuery item, we need to store them in a collection
						if( !!r.jquery ){
							result = $([]).add(r);
							// otherwise, just store the result and stop executing
						} else {
							result = r;
							// since we're a non-jQuery item, just cancel processing further items
							return false;
						// keep adding jQuery objects to the results
					} else if( !!r && !!r.jquery ){
						result = result.add(r);

				// return either the results (which could be a jQuery object) or the original chain
				return result || this;
				// everything else, return the chain
			} else {
				return this;
			// initializing request
		} else {
			// create a new marquee for each object found
			return this.each(function (){
				new $.Marquee(this, options);

	$.Marquee = function (marquee, options){
		options = $.extend({}, $.Marquee.defaults, options);

		var self = this, $marquee = $(marquee), $lis = $marquee.find("> li"), current = -1, hard_paused = false, paused = false, loop_count = 0;

		// store a reference to this marquee
		$.data($marquee[0], "marquee", self);

		// pause the marquee
		this.pause = function (){
			// mark as hard pause (no resume on hover)
			hard_paused = true;
			// pause scrolling

		// resume the marquee
		this.resume = function (){
			// mark as hard pause (no resume on hover)
			hard_paused = false;
			// resume scrolling

		// update the marquee
		this.update = function (){
			var iCurrentCount = $lis.length;

			// update the line items
			$lis = $marquee.find("> li");

			// if we only have one item, show the next item by resuming playback (which will scroll to the next item)
			if( iCurrentCount <= 1 ) resume();

		// code to introduce the new marquee message
		function show(i){
			// if we're already scrolling an item, stop processing
			if( $lis.filter("." + options.cssShowing).length > 0 ) return false;

			var $li = $lis.eq(i);

			// run the beforeshow callback
			if( $.isFunction(options.beforeshow) ) options.beforeshow.apply(self, [$marquee, $li]);

			var params = {
				top: (options.yScroll === "top" ? "-" : "+") + $li.outerHeight() + "px"
				, right: 0

			$marquee.data("marquee.showing", true);

			$li.css(params).animate({top: "0px"}, options.showSpeed, options.fxEasingShow, function (){
				// run the show callback
				if( $.isFunction(options.show) ) options.show.apply(self, [$marquee, $li]);
				$marquee.data("marquee.showing", false);

		// keep the message on the screen for the user to read, scrolling long messages
		function scroll($li, delay){
			// if paused, stop processing
			if( paused === true ) return false;

			// get the delay speed
			delay = delay || options.pauseSpeed;
			// if	item is wider than marquee, then scroll
			if( doScroll($li) ){
				setTimeout(function (){
					// if paused, stop processing (we need to check to see if the pause state has changed)
					if( paused === true ) return false;

					var width = $li.outerWidth(),
						endPos = $li.parent().width()-width,
						curPos = parseInt($li.css("right"), 10);

					// scroll the message to the right
					$li.animate({right: endPos + "px"}, ((width + curPos) * options.scrollSpeed), options.fxEasingScroll, function (){ setTimeout(finish, options.scrollDelayAfter, $li); });
				}, options.scrollDelayBefore);
			} else if ( $lis.length > 1 ){
				setTimeout(function (){
					// if paused, stop processing (we need to check to see if the pause state has changed)
					if( paused === true ) return false;

					// scroll the message down
					$li.animate({top: (options.yScroll === "top" ? "+" : "-") + $marquee.innerHeight() + "px"}, options.showSpeed, options.fxEasingScroll);
					// finish showing this message
				}, delay);


		function finish($li){
			// Hide the entire li
			$li.css( 'right', ( $li.outerWidth() * -1 ) + 'px' );
			// run the aftershow callback, only after we've displayed the first option
			if( $.isFunction(options.aftershow) ) options.aftershow.apply(self, [$marquee, $li]);

			// mark that we're done scrolling this element

			// show the next message

		// this function will pause the current animation
		function pause(){
			// mark the message as paused
			paused = true;
			// don't stop animation if we're just beginning to show the marquee message
			if( $marquee.data("marquee.showing") !== true ){
				// we must dequeue() the animation to ensure that it does indeed stop animation
				$lis.filter("." + options.cssShowing).dequeue().stop();

		// this function will resume the previous animation
		function resume(){
			// mark the message as resumed
			paused = false;
			// don't resume animation if we haven't completed introducing the message
			if( $marquee.data("marquee.showing") !== true ) scroll($lis.filter("." + options.cssShowing), 1);

		// determine if we should pause on hover
		if( options.pauseOnHover ){
				function (){
					// if hard paused, prevent hover events
					if( hard_paused ) return false;
					// pause scrolling
				, function (){
					// if hard paused, prevent hover events
					if( hard_paused ) return false;
					// resume scrolling

		// determines if the message needs to be scrolled to read
		function doScroll($li){
			return ($li.outerWidth() > $marquee.innerWidth());

		// show the next message in the queue
		function showNext(){
			// increase the current counter (starts at -1, to indicate a new marquee beginning)

			// if we only have 1 entry and it doesn't need to scroll, just cancel processing
			if( current >= $lis.length ){
				// if we've reached our loop count, cancel processing
				if( !isNaN(options.loop) && options.loop > 0 && (++loop_count >= options.loop ) ) return false;
				current = 0;

			// show the next message

		// run the init callback
		if( $.isFunction(options.init) ) options.init.apply(self, [$marquee, options]);

		// show the first item

	$.Marquee.defaults = {
		yScroll: "top"                          // the position of the marquee initially scroll (can be either "top" or "bottom")
		, showSpeed: 850                          // the speed of to animate the initial dropdown of the messages
		, scrollSpeed: 12                         // the speed of the scrolling (keep number low)
		, scrollDelayBefore: 1000				  // the time to wait before the scrolling starts
		, scrollDelayAfter: 1000				  // the time to wait after the scrolling ends
		, pauseSpeed: 5000                        // the time to wait before showing the next message, when the current one didn't scroll
		, pauseOnHover: true                      // determine if we should pause on mouse hover
		, loop: -1                                // determine how many times to loop through the marquees (#'s < 0 = infinite)
		, fxEasingShow: "swing"                   // the animition easing to use when showing a new marquee
		, fxEasingScroll: "linear"                // the animition easing to use when showing a new marquee

		// define the class statements
		, cssShowing: "marquee-showing"

		// event handlers
		, init: null                              // callback that occurs when a marquee is initialized
		, beforeshow: null                        // callback that occurs before message starts scrolling on screen
		, show: null                              // callback that occurs when a new marquee message is displayed
		, aftershow: null                         // callback that occurs after the message has scrolled
